
P5 Mrs L Houston

 Welcome to our class page
Danske Bank Visit
P5LH really enjoyed our workshop with Danske Bank. The children worked in pairs to design a bedroom with a £500 budget. A lot of tough decisions had to be made to make sure they stayed within their budget.
3D Shapes
We have been learning about 3D shapes and their properties. Have a look at some of the 3D shapes we made using marshmallows and cocktail sticks.
Outdoor Learning - Angles
Young Enterprise - Our City Project
Healthy Eating and Living Game

  • Play Education City games - You have your own username and password
  • Hit the Button - maths games to make you faster
  • multiplication.com - become a whizzkid at your tables
  • Practise reading the clock - analogue and digital - play "What time is it Mr Wolf?" on your iPad and Top Marks - Telling the Time
Keep reading your home reader or library book.
This year we will be learning about - Ourselves, Where we live, Space and The Ancient Egyptians.